Survivor Odds To Win

But then also, betting odds for Survivor could get into the specifics of contestants, establishing odds for each of them to win, or whoever is left for the live voting as the season finale. Survivor Prop Wagers - These betting odds are essentially every other betting line that may be formed for Survivor. Examples can include the next location of the newest season before it's announced, or a number of other possibilities. You just need them to win, and you don't care how they do it or by what margin. The other compelling aspect of survivor is that, depending on the size of the pool, you can win quite a bit of money. In a $50 buy-in pool with 1,000 people, you're talking about $50,000 to the winner. Even in a modest $20 buy-in with 100 people, there's a $2,000 pot.

Tonight is the night, fellow Survivor lovers!! Tonight, at 8:00pm ET/PT, Survivor: Redemption Island premieres on CBS. Jeff Probst will welcome sixteen new castaways, and Survivor legends (for better or for worse) Boston Rob Mariano and Russell Hantz, to Nicaragua for thirty-nine more days of Outwitting, Outplaying, and Outlasting. Of course, there is a huge twist to how the game will be played this season: namely, Redemption Island.

In case you didn’t hear or have forgotten, when a player is voted out of the game at Tribal Council, he or she will not go home immediately. Instead, that player will go to Redemption Island and live alone for three days with the same basic provisions the contestants have back at their camps (water, rice, and a machete). Three days later, when another player is voted out, the second evictee will join the first on Redemption Island where they will compete in a one-on-one challenge to remain in the game (the order of the Redemption Island Challenges was predetermined, so there won’t be any manipulation to favor one player over another by giving a possibly ‘favored’player an advantage). The winner stays on Redemption Island and awaits the next player voted out at Tribal Council. The loser of the Redemption Island Challenge will be sent home. At a predetermined time (my bet is on The Merge or one vote after The Merge), whomever is left standing on Redemption Island will rejoin the other players and have a full opportunity to win the game.

Personally, I think this is a great twist. Yes, it has echoes of the Outcasts returning in Survivor: Pearl Islands, which was pretty loathed by the viewing audience, but this time the players will have full knowledge from the beginning, so they can vote and plan accordingly. It is also true that tribal Reward Challenges have been eliminated to make room in the episode for the Redemption Island Challenge, but I’m willing to give those up for what could be some pretty intense one-on-one showdowns. Just imagine Rob versus Russell squaring off to remain in the game. I’m sure this is Mark Burnett’s dreams about this scenario.

In terms of strategy vis a vis Redemption Island, I wonder if a given tribe might purposefully vote out a strong player close to The Merge to try to permanently eliminate a player on Redemption Island and keep that person from returning to the game. Might a big strong guy fall on his tribe’s sword to try to keep someone else from making a comeback? I know I wouldn’t make that sacrifice, but you never know.

Redemption Island aside, we also have the return of Rob and Russell. Instinct says to write these guys off completely as far as either of them making it past their first Tribal Councils. Russell is loathed, and both have had numerous attempts at playing and winning the game. I can see a Goonies-style, ‘They had their time! This is our time!’cheer rising from the new players.

Then again, if you were playing, wouldn’t you like one of the most detested players in Survivor history sitting next to you at the final Tribal Council? Wouldn’t you like to have Rob or Russell look like the person pulling off blindsides and taking all the heat while you were really the mastermind of someone’s ouster? It may be worth keeping them around for a while, but how long is too long? If Russell somehow gets to the finals for a third time, especially when all of the players know how he plays the game, does he not deserve to win? All of these questions will be answered in the coming weeks, and they help inform my preseason Odds to Win.

If you missed my rundown of the new players, make sure to check out my take here first. Below you will find the players grouped by their chances for victory, a previous player I liken them to, and the Odds that they will win the whole game. Remember, I am not trying to predict the order in which they will be voted off (an even trickier proposition with the introduction of Redemption Island), just the likelihood that a particular contestant will win the kit ‘˜n caboodle. Away we go!

Up First, the Favorites!

Survivor season 40 is off and running, with episode seven ready to stick a knife in our back on March 25th. We shouldn’t want it any other way, either, as this conniving yet forever redeeming social strategy competition brings out the best (and worst) in all of us.

Season 40 left things on a pretty bitter (and impressively devious) note after episode six, but I won’t get into it to protect our readers from any Survivor spoilers.

Just be aware that once we dive into the latest Survivor 40 odds and predictions, I can’t make any promises.

The point is this competition has been pretty fierce just six episodes in, and it’s only going to get crazier once the two tribes inevitably merge.

The return of the popular yet controversial Edge of Extinction also complicates matters, but anyone looking to wager on the series at sites where you can bet on Survivor will want to consider all the options.

Will someone come back out of the Edge of Extinction to get the improbable win? Or should you stick with the top contenders?

Let’s break each option down as we prepare for a new Survivor episode this week.

Vlachos makes sense as the favorite in terms of ability (he won season 28), while he’s without a doubt one of the loudest personalities in the game.

That latter attribute could easily get him eliminated at some point, though, and it’s relatively shocking it hasn’t already.

Vlachos is clever and gifted enough physically to survive on his own accord, but don’t be shocked if his overconfidence does him in before the season is up.

Kim Spradlin-Wolfe (+500)

Next up is a three-way tie to win season 40 of Survivor, and we can start with Kim Spradlin-Wolfe, who won in 2012.

Kim has rebounded nicely since originally struggling to latch on with the strategic networking of the show, and she’s now in discussions with Denise.

Is that good or bad after what transpired in episode six? More on that in a bit.

That could make her a very interesting pick, especially if she opts to flip at the right time and have Denise taste some of her own medicine. It’ll surely take a huge move like that to give Kim a shot, even with her odds looking great.

A recent Survivor winner, Michele is one of the few contestants who has been embedded in the modern game, as she won in 2016.

That gives her a bit of an edge (and probably explains her odds), but she hasn’t been a big player yet this season and also was a bit too transparent with ex-boyfriend Wendell Holland.

If the emotional restraint and strategy don’t improve, I don’t see much of a reason to roll the dice on Fitzgerald.

Natalie Anderson (+500)

Anderson has great odds but is among the worst bets to win Survivor 40 due to her current residence in the Edge of Extinction.

She won during Survivor: San Juan del Sur (2014), but she also was the first contestant voted off the island this season. Like everyone else in the Edge of Extinction, she still has a shot, but her odds seem twisted here.

This could be where the odds get interesting, as Clarke is still in the game and has proven to be pretty crafty this year.

Clarke has worked with Sarah Lacina pretty closely, and the two combated some key veterans while playing a strong game. Lacine offers better odds, but so far, there’s nothing bad to be said about how Clarke has performed in season 40.

Yul Kwon (+800)

Kwon carries himself with such quiet confidence and an approachable personality that he was one of my favorite threats to win from the jump.

I was excited to see his palatable +800 odds, especially since he’s played a good game so far and is also flying somewhat under the radar.

Proving his worth as winner of Survivor: Cook Islands back in 2006, Yul doesn’t appear to have lost a step when it comes to the intricacies of this intense game.

Lacina is understandably one of the best Survivor season 40 sleepers, both in regards to odds and the fact that she’s been somewhat overlooked.

As noted, she’s worked well with Sophie Clarke and has proven herself in regards to social networking and crafty play.

A police officer, Lacina has the natural gift of interrogation (without it feeling like it), as well as collecting, digesting, and implementing information. So far, so good for the 2017 winner.

Survivor Odds To Win

Nick Wilson (+1000)

The 29-year-old Wilson is a very recent winner, having taken home the top prize in season 37 in 2018.

That could be an obvious advantage, and so far, it’s arguable it’s helped him stay afloat in season 40’s competition. However, to this point, he hasn’t made a huge mark, so not much stands out for him beyond his attractive price tag at the best Survivor betting sites.

As noted, Holland could be in some trouble due to the bad blood between him and his ex, Michele. She played her cards with him, though, so it won’t be shocking to see him use that to his advantage.

There’s also the chance he turns that around the other way. Either way, Holland is a proven winner (season 36), and he has the demeanor and athleticism to carry himself pretty far.

Ben Driebergen (+2000)

The 37-year-old military veteran won on Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers, and this season, he returned in tip-top shape, ready to make it to the end again.


Things have gone well for him to this point, as he really hasn’t been the focus of any eliminations, and his charm could again get him pretty far.

He wouldn’t be my first pick based solely on ability to stay alive via winning challenges, but he’s a fighter, and he can wiggle his way into new alliances. Oh, and the odds are nice.

The 41-year-old Collins is back for more after winning Survivor: Cambodia back in 2015. He’s another strong contestant that can physically get a lot of work done on his own and to this point has been overlooked.

His odds alone should have you take notice, but it’s worth wondering if he’s done enough from a strategic perspective through six episodes to set himself up for success.

Adam Klein (+2800)

The 28-year-old LA resident is hanging in there, but he obviously doesn’t have amazing odds to win Survivor season 40.

Klein has already won the game once, but it’s arguable he hasn’t done enough yet in this game to build a winning case even if he does make it to the final tribal council.

Odds To Win Survivor Winners At War

Pretty much anyone taking up residence at the Edge of Extinction is a pretty poor bet to win Survivor. Once the show decides to move the process along, it’s likely only one person will worm their way back into the competition.

Survivor Odds To Win

That could be Parvati, but she has the odds stacked against her as the 7th person voted out. She’d have to win numerous challenges just to stay alive, assuming she even escapes the Edge of Extinction in the first place.

Denise Stapley (+5000)

Kudos to Denise for one of the most epic blindsides in Survivor history. Unfortunately, she no longer has an Immunity Idol, and everyone sees her as a major threat.

You could argue she has the strategy and ruthlessness to make it to the end, but that could be tough with everyone also seeing how deceptive she can be.

Sandra joined a long list of jettisoned Survivor alum, as she heads to the Edge of Extinction after being masterfully blindsided by Denise in the latest episode.

She’s a strong competitor and former two-time winner, so if she has a chance to make it out of Edge of Extinction, she could remain in this game. All things considered, these +10000 Survivor odds for such a great competitor are tough to ignore.

After all, Chris Underwood accomplished the impossible a couple of seasons ago, escaping the Edge of Extinction to win the whole show. If you think Sandra has a chance at doing that, this +10000 bet looks pretty appealing.


There is a lot of upside in taking a shot at someone stuck in the Edge of Extinction, but the main contenders to win Survivor 40 have also clearly shown themselves.

Survivor Odds To Win

Whichever way you go, there is still room for profit. You just need to decide who to bet on at the top entertainment betting sites.

You can use this breakdown of the latest Survivor odds to help you figure out how to bet, but there is still a lot of time to gauge the right direction to go.

For now, I’m not too keen on the main favorite, partially because he’s a bit obnoxious, and that could work against him. I also don’t love his price tag when you consider the risk, while a key strategy this year has been knocking out some of the older, more experienced players.

Survivor Odds To Win

All things considered, I like Yul Kwan the best right now. He’s the total package in terms of strategy, athleticism, and networking. He has so far been pretty quiet, but I can see that changing in the near future.

For constantly updated odds and contestant analysis for the remainder of season 40, be sure to bookmark our entertainment betting blog.