Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking in blackjack
  1. Shuffle Tracking For Beginners
  2. Shuffle Tracking Automatic Shuffler
2006-01-02 20:59:58 UTC
Where can I get information on shuffle tracking? How difficult is
it? I understand it is a very powerful device.
On a side note. I have purchased a BJ simulation game that I like
very much. It is called Sage BJ. If you are interested here is the
And on a totally unrelated note...what a sick way for my Texas Tech
Red Raiders to get beat...absolutely the ugliest field goal I have
ever seen beats us. And the damn umpire or ref neither one pulled the
laundry for a holding penalty the entire game (Bama only had on %$#@#$
penalty the entire game!!!!)
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John May-'Get The Edge at Blackjack'
New and devastating blackjack methods
  • Blackjack Shuffle tracking is an extension to card counting. But with Shuffle Tracking, not only do you count cards as they go by, but you also take note of the location of large numbers of large or small cards in the discard tray to determine or control their location in the next shoe. Not all shuffles are 'trackable.'
  • If my shuffle was stolen can i track it because someone stole it and it has 200 songs and some of my data on it is there anyway apple can track it through the syncing or warranty help No, Apple has no way of tracking your Shuffle.

How does shuffle tracking affect the count? Using the same Shuffle Tracking procedure as in the previous pages, this chart gives a glimpse at the effect on the count. Normally the true count and running count will average zero throughout the shoe in Hi-Lo.

Shuffle Tracking For Beginners


shuffle tracking is a blackjack strategy with which the gambler keeps track of cards or series of cards during shuffles. These series of cards are called 'clumps' so shuffle tracking may also be called card clump tracking. It is an advantage gambling technique that derives from card counting. Shuffle tracking works best in multiple deck games, especially the 6-8 deck shoe games.


The premise behind shuffle tracking is that the location of cards in a shoe can to some degree be predicted. It can be predicted because according to the theory, shuffling is not quite as random or thorough as the casinos want us to think.

Shuffling Decks

In all card games, the decks are regularly shuffled to change the order of the cards. But the reality is that casino dealers do not have the time to shuffle the decks that well. It's not that they can't; they can. But to do so every time would take too much time, time that could otherwise be spent playing games and taking bets from players. Thus, longer shuffling = lower profits. No casino wants that. So instead, the casino instructs its dealers to shuffle quickly using the casino's shuffling guidelines.

Shuffling methods vary in style and thoroughness, meaning some mix up the cards more than others. As you may imagine, it is easier to track cards when the shuffles are simple than when they are complex. So it is the simpler shuffles that advantage players prefer. Simple shuffles can be found in 6-8 deck shoe games, where it would take too long to shuffle the multiple decks thoroughly.

Shuffle Tracking Basics

Shuffle tracking begins with card counting. In blackjack, high cards -the 10's and aces - are better for the player since they give more blackjacks and higher scores. Low cards are better for the dealer since they prevent busting and fewer blackjacks are paid to the player. Card counting tells the gambler when there are more high or low cards left in the shoe as the game progresses. Usually, each low card dealt is given a positive value and a high card a negative value. When the total count gets high, it means most cards left in the shoe are high cards; the opposite is true if the total count is low.

Using the simple Hi/Lo system, if the shuffle comes when the count is -5, we know that the cards left at cutoff total +5 (since the Hi/Lo always totals the deck at 0). That means the remaining cards before cutoff were mostly low cards.

As the cards are shuffled, one can track this clump during the cutting and shuffling. When you know that +5 clump is near, you know it's mostly low cards. The odds favor the dealer then and you should bet small. If it was a negative clump instead, it would be high cards and you'd bet bigger.

Shuffle tracking lets you predict when portions of a shoe will come up so you can adjust your strategy as needed. Shuffle tracking also lets you put certain cards out of play when you get to cut the decks.

Note: In shuffle tracking, you want to see more high cards than low cards—the opposite of card counting! Why? Because in card counting, you count the discarded cards; in shuffle tracking, you keep track of cards not yet played. You want to see low cards discarded, and you want to see high cards dealt. Get it?

Shuffle Tracking Automatic Shuffler