How Does A Rng Work

The one component that turns video poker into a skill-requiring game, rather than just another type of slot, is it’s RNG. RNG is an abbreviation for the Random Number Generator that controls the dealing on a video poker machine. Sub ConvertTextToNumberLoop Set Rng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets('Sheet1').Range('A3:A' & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) For Each cel In Rng.Cells cel.Value = CSng(cel.Value) Next cel End Sub In the above VBA snippet, we are using VBA For loop to iterate over each cell in the range and convert the value of each cell into a number using the CSng. About Lottery Post's Quick Picks Generator. Lottery Post's Quick Picks Generator creates up to 50 sets of random numbers at a time for any lottery game you wish.

  1. How Does Rng Work In Tcs
  2. What Is Rng
  3. How Does Rng Work In Games
  4. How Does A Rng Works
  • DPP / HGSS RNG Manipulation Guide Part 5 - Cute Charm TID/SID and Poke Radar Abuse
    • Cute Charm TID/SID Abuse
    • RNG Manipulation of Poke Radar Pokemon

Cute Charm TID/SID Abuse


New to version 9.94+ is the inclusion of Cute Charm PIDs. With this method, you will be able to capture a wider range of natures and IVs than before, and if you have the right ID/SID, capture a wider range of perfect shinies. In order for Cute Charm to work, the target Pokemon must have a gender and have a non-100% male-female gender ratio.

This means Cute Charm won't work on fixed gender Pokemon such as Kangaskhan, Latios, or Tauros. It also won't work on genderless Pokemon. Thus, it won't work on legendaries other than Heatran.

When activated (66.67% chance), Cute Charm modifies the PID of a wild Pokemon to a value out of 125 possible combinations, forcing the target gender on them. The nature is kept the same through the gender change. By modifying the PID, it also forces a Pokemon Shiny Value (PSV) on the Pokemon, where a matching Trainer Shiny Value (TSV) will make the Pokemon Shiny. Which PID you get depends on the gender ratio of the target.

The values of the TSV and PSV can be calculated as follows:

TSV = (TID ^ SID) >> 3

PSV = ((PID >> 16) ^ (PID & 0xFFFF)) >> 3

This method requires you to have a Pokemon with Cute Charm in your lead, meaning you give up Synchronize, and thus do not get more possible frames for one IV spread.

The true value of Cute Charm lies in the huge possibility of shiny spreads. In other words, instead of just catching shiny Pokemon that are Modest/Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31 in one save file, you could be catching shiny Calm 31/14/31/31/31/31, Adamant 31/31/31/7/31/31, Jolly 31/31/31/16/31/31 or Modest 31/12/31/31/31/31 Pokemon all in one save file! And that's just the beginning!

The list of possible PIDs, organized by the required lead and the PSV (located in hex at the top-right corner of each group header), are:
Male Lead (Any gender ratio for female)
Shiny Group 10Shiny Group 21Shiny Group 32Shiny Group 43
00000000 Hardy00000008 Impish00000010 Mild00000018 Quirky
00000001 Lonely00000009 Lax00000011 Quiet
00000002 Brave0000000A Timid00000012 Bashful
00000003 Adamant0000000B Hasty00000013 Rash
00000004 Naughty0000000C Serious00000014 Calm
00000005 Bold0000000D Jolly00000015 Gentle
00000006 Docile0000000E Naive00000016 Sassy
00000007 Relaxed0000000F Modest00000017 Careful
Female Lead (87.5% Male Target)
Shiny Group 16Shiny Group 27Shiny Group 38Shiny Group 49
00000032 Hardy00000038 Docile00000040 Naive00000048 Sassy
00000033 Lonely00000039 Relaxed00000041 Modest00000049 Careful
00000034 Brave0000003A Impish00000042 Mild0000004A Quirky
00000035 Adamant0000003B Lax00000043 Quiet
00000036 Naughty0000003C Timid00000044 Bashful
00000037 Bold0000003D Hasty00000045 Rash
0000003E Serious00000046 Calm
0000003F Jolly00000047 Gentle
Female Lead (75% Male Target)
Shiny Group 19Shiny Group 2AShiny Group 3BShiny Group 4C
0000004B Hardy00000050 Bold00000058 Jolly00000060 Gentle
0000004C Lonely00000051 Docile00000059 Naive00000061 Sassy
0000004D Brave00000052 Relaxed0000005A Modest00000062 Careful
0000004E Adamant00000053 Impish0000005B Mild00000063 Quirky
0000004F Naughty00000054 Lax0000005C Quiet
00000055 Timid0000005D Bashful
00000056 Hasty0000005E Rash
00000057 Serious0000005F Calm
Female Lead (50% Male Target)
Shiny Group 112Shiny Group 213Shiny Group 314Shiny Group 415
00000096 Hardy00000098 Brave000000A0 Timid000000A8 Bashful
00000097 Lonely00000099 Adamant000000A1 Hasty000000A9 Rash
0000009A Naughty000000A2 Serious000000AA Calm
0000009B Bold000000A3 Jolly000000AB Gentle
0000009C Docile000000A4 Naive000000AC Sassy
0000009D Relaxed000000A5 Modest000000AD Careful
0000009E Impish000000A6 Mild000000AE Quirky
0000009F Lax000000A7 Quiet
Female Lead (25% Male Target)
Shiny Group 119Shiny Group 21AShiny Group 31BShiny Group 41C
000000C8 Hardy000000D0 Impish000000D8 Mild000000E0 Quirky
000000C9 Lonely000000D1 Lax000000D9 Quiet
000000CA Brave000000D2 Timid000000DA Bashful
000000CB Adamant000000D3 Hasty000000DB Rash
000000CC Naughty000000D4 Serious000000DC Calm
000000CD Bold000000D5 Jolly000000DD Gentle
000000CE Docile000000D6 Naive000000DE Sassy
000000CF Relaxed000000D7 Modest000000DF Careful

Abusing for a Cute Charm TID/SID

Go back to the long list of Cute Charm PIDs. Each set of 25 PIDs is divided into 4 'Shiny Groups.' Look at the natures in each shiny group and pick which set of natures you like the best. Pick ANY ONE of the PIDs in this shiny group and let's go to Pandora's Box. Say we want shiny group 1 for male leads, so we'll pick anything from 00000000-00000007.

Let's pick the combination 20101/20101 for this. For more information on getting your ID/SID in-game refer to DPP / HGSS RNG Manipulation Guide Part 4 - How to Abuse for your Desired TID/SID.

To see what Cute Charm can do, on the main window of RNG Reporter, enter the ID/SID in the appropriate boxes.Let's pick a random seed, say 900207ff, and see what happens. Enter this seed in Seed (Hex), don't forget to click the Synchronize button so it becomes Cute Charm, and set it to Male Lead (50% F target). Set the Encounter Type to Wild Pokemon as well. Click Generate. Results are shown below.

Check out the !!! (indicates shiny frame). There's 4 of them, which is normally a rare occurrence. The IVs may be awful, but this was to illustrate how easily you can find shinies through this method.

You're probably wondering how to find seeds with good IVs now. Once again we head to Time Finder. Do the usual search routine and see what comes up. Don't forget to input your ID/SID and check the shiny only box. Here's what a typical search would generate.

The great thing about this is ALL the results given will be shiny with just this one ID/SID combination.

From here on the usual methods of capturing Pokemon apply. The procedure is exactly the same except you must lead with a male or female Pokemon with the Cute Charm ability.

Here are some things to take note of:

  1. The chosen ID/SID combo will only work for the PIDs of ONE shiny group within the same lead/gender ratio pairing. This means 20101/20101 will work ONLY for PIDs 00000000-00000007 (Male lead) but NOT 00000032-00000037 (Female lead, 87.5% male target) or any of the other shiny group 1's for that matter.
  2. Because the PSVs are the same (0x9), picking a PID in 00000048-0000004F for your ID/SID combo will result in a shiny despite the PIDs landing in different groups. That means you will have shiny group 4 (Female lead, 87.5% male target) and shiny group 1 (Female lead, 75% male target) available to you.
  3. It is recommended to pick a shiny group in the Male Lead section. The reason for this is it has a lot more possibilities for shinies as opposed to the female leads.
  4. You're crazy if you pick a group with barely any PIDs/natures.

One final thing to take note of. Each Pokemon has its own gender ratio, so you're going to have to find out what Pokemon you're going after using the encounter slot tables and what its gender ratio is.

If say, you want a Machop (75% male/25% female) in Platinum, you'd have to pick either Male Lead (25% F Target) or Female Lead (75% M Target) in the dropdown box below, depending on what gender you wanted. and look for frames with encounter slots 4 or 6 in order to battle one.

RNG Manipulation of Poke Radar Pokemon

How Does Rng Work In Tcs


Chaining is one of the more involved RNG manipulations. Let's start off with the usual search. This method outlines the use of nonshiny patches.

First you'll need to find a Poke Radar Pokemon you wish to get by looking at the encounter slot tables for Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (tables are linked under the corresponding game). Make sure to look at the Poke Radar lines. Note the encounter slots for the Pokemon. The search in Time Finder will be exactly the same as capturing a regular wild Pokemon (Method J, Wild Pokemon encounter type).

You will need the usual capturing tools (Synchronizer, Spore user, Chatter, etc). You also need to freeze all NPCs in the area you wish to do this by using the Vs. Seeker. Once that's done, head to the middle of a grass patch and save.

Attempt to hit your seed and verify it with coin flips. Once your seed is verified, use the Poke Radar. Take note of how many radar patches there are and their general locations. The patches will always follow this pattern, shown below.

There will always be one patch randomly generated in the boxed areas. If a boxed area happens to contain some spots with no patches and the game happens to generate a radar patch in one of those spots, there won't be a shaking spot seen, so for all radar attempts you can get up to 1-4 patches. To maximize the number of patches, stand in the middle of a large grass patch as shown above to always get 4 radar patches.

Once you've determined the location of your patches, make a note of them, as the radar patch locations will be in the exact same locations as long as you've hit your seed, and as long as you haven't saved.

You'll need to find a special radar patch to find a Poke Radar exclusive Pokemon. It looks like the one below.

If your first use of the Poké Radar produced this patch, you're good to go. If not, you'll need to move to another spot, save, hit your seed, and use the Poké Radar again until this patch appears.

The number of patches produced advances the IV frames. Depending on this, your starting frame will be as follows:

What Is Rng

  • 1 patch = 5
  • 2 patches = 7
  • 3 patches = 9
  • 4 patches = 11

Every step/turn you make will advance frames by 1 for each step/turn made. That means if you turn and move forward, you've advanced 2 frames. The step you make when moving towards the radar patch will also count as 1 advance.

For this, you want to determine your starting frame based on the number of patches generated; move towards the sparkling patch, while keeping track of the number of steps/turns made. Stop one step before the patch and do however many advancements are needed. The number of needed advances is (Target frame) - (1+# of steps/turns+initial frame). Don't account for the last step into the patch, as that's what the +1 is for.

If the Pokemon encountered is not the one you're looking for, don't worry. Catch it and note the Pokemon's traits; use that to figure out what frame you're on and adjust accordingly. The reason you may have been off is due to the '128 on step counter = advance by # of party Pokemon' factor, which can't be controlled reliably.

During Sandstorm / Hail

Sandstorm and hail advance the 'shiny Egg RNG' in DPPt. This means you cannot use coins flips to verify your seed since the RNG that controls your seed verification is constantly advancing. IV frames do NOT advance though, so the process is exactly the same as a regular Poké Radar attempt except you skip the seed verification part. In addition, you can still check what seed/frame you're on using Chatter pitches.

You can, however, use the locations of the radar patches to verify your seed, so you'd have to note the radar patch pattern, encounter and catch a Pokemon, and note the IVs until you find one that matches your seed.

Shiny Patches

This info is courtesy of Dark Ray. This will generate a shiny patch using a chain of 1.

Prerequisites: Access to National Dex and Poké Radar, Coin Flip Pokétch App, Repels, Vs. Seeker, Synchronizer, Chatot with Chatter.

Note: You must be able to identify Chatter pitches to some degree.

The patches generated in the outermost (blue) box have the best chance of generating a shiny patch. In the diagram below, it's any patch on the area marked 4.

P = Player

Finding a Seed

To search for your own seed, open 4th gen Time Finder, choose 'Chained Shiny' as the method, and enter your ID/SID and any IV/Nature/Ability filters you want to use (don't be too specific); you also need to set your max frame higher than normal (1000-3000 recommended), then open up Researcher on RNG Reporter's main window and follow the next steps.

Set up Researcher as shown (max results should be the max results you put into Time Finder), then hit generate, click to select 'Frame' and '16BitHigh' columns, and export to text to allow easier searching. You'll want to search for a 16BitHigh value equal to or less than 0008 in hex so just search for 0000, if you don't find anything search for 0001, 0002, and so on. If you didn't find anything, choose a different seed, and repeat. Once you find something, check your frame and see if it's appropriate enough for you (shiny patch with a frame of around 200 or higher is good, if it's lower you might advance past it trying to start your chain and recharge the Poke Radar).


Now that you have your seed, a few preparations need to be done in-game first. Set up your Journal with the appropriate entries to easily advance the frame. You will be advancing to high frames and Chatot summaries will take twice as long.

Next get your party together; you'll want 5 members MAX so you can catch the Pokemon you use to start your chain to confirm frame. A team of Catcher, Chatot, Chatot, Synchronizer or HM slave is recommended, and your leading Pokemon should be a higher level than anything you can encounter in your designated area so Repels work.

Choose an area that has your target Pokemon and head there. If there are any NPCs in the area that can be rebattled using the Vs. Seeker, do so. Make sure to get every one to minimize the chances of them interfering with your frame advances. Once that's done, head to the middle of the patch of grass (being in the middle of a full 9X9 square of grass is best as it ensures 4 patches will shake when you activate the Poké Radar). Now switch your party around if needed, use a Repel, switch to the Coin Flip app, and save.

Starting your Chain

Hit your seed as normal, confirm with Coin Flips (or Chatter pitches in areas with weather) and activate the Poké Radar, making note of the patches that shook. If you're going for a Poké Radar exclusive you'll need to find a sparkly patch and might need to reset the PokeRadar to get one to appear, otherwise go beside any normal patch that shook and turn so your character is looking away from it, then advance to (frame with desired encounter-2) and turn+walk into the patch that shook and you should encounter your target.

Getting the Shiny Patch

First you must figure out the frame you're on after starting the chain; a good way to do this is to catch the Pokemon rather than KOing it and finding the spread in reporter, then going to the Occidentary frame in reporter and trying to match up chatter pitches to ~6-12 frames after that, it will vary due to the number of number of patches that shook after you caught/defeated the Pokemon and any active NPCs in the area. Next, you must recharge the PokeRadar by walking 50 steps; these steps do not have to be in the grass (and will not advance the RNG if they aren't) but you must be able to see at least 1 of the patches that shook at all times or your chain will break. Now walk to/near the center of the grass while avoiding any patches that shook.

How Does A Rng Work

Now check your current frame with Chatter pitches as walking+any NPCs will have advanced it, how much walking advanced it by will depend on how much walking you did in grass, but will generally be 1 frame advance per step or turn you made in grass.

It is now time for the main event, getting a shiny patch to appear! You're surrounded by lots of grass, your Poké Radar is charged, and you know which frame you're on; now all that's left is to advance to the right frame and activate the Poké Radar! But wait, how do you know which is the right frame?

Remember the frame from Researcher with the very low 16BitHigh? That - X is your target frame, where X is equal to 5 for a 4 patch, 7 for a 3 patch, 9 for 2 and 11 for 1, you'll want to use a 4 patch as they have the best odds of working.

In the example below, 201 is the frame from researcher and I'm going for a 4 patch, 201-5=196, so my target frame is 196. Once frame 196 is reached, use the Poké Radar and a shiny patch should appear.

Obtaining your Shiny Pokemon from the Patch

Congrats! You should now have a shiny patch, if you don't then either the frame does not match up or the RNG decided the 4th patch would not contain the Pokemon you were chaining.

Walk beside the shiny patch and turn so your character is not facing it, now just figure out your current frame (should be higher than but still somewhat near the frame your shiny patch was on) and advance to target frame-1 if not using a Synchronizer, or target frame-2 if using a Synchronizer. You should be making sure that you're advancing by Chatter pitches and make a note of what the pitches are once you get about 50 frames within your target. Once you've advanced to the designated frame turn and walk into the shiny patch.

Note: Sometimes the game will skip over your target frame completely. If it does you can either find a new spread or try using a Synchronize lead. Don't forget to advance to target frame-2 if you're doing this.

In the example below my target is a quint flawless spread on frame 928 and I experienced frame skipping on my first attempt, so I used a sync lead, 928-2=926, so I want to be on frame 926 before I turn+walk into the shiny patch.

How Does Rng Work In Games

And that's basically all you need to know for chained shinies.

The microchip inserted into the gambling machine can have a big impact whether one will win or lose. Of course, the way you play the hands is important, however, the computer chip is commonly known as the RNG offers the opportunity to make intelligent play or spoil the entire process. To make it simple, just think of the machine for video poker games as a computer, its better to consider this since that's exactly the way it is. Imagine the computer that you have at your office or home, it has been programmed to perform certain tasks. The required hardware is available but it would need specific instructions to perform and that is the reason you have to purchase software.

How Does A Rng Works

How does the RNG work in video poker games?

The computer will perform the tasks within some parameters according to the instructions. One can start one program and allow it to run and then open another program without interrupting the first program. When the computer gets command to print, it sends specific instructions to printer and continues the work , it would not have to wait till the document is printed. The same logic applies to the Video Poker games, except for the fact that software is customized for that game. The computer would be programmed in a manner to generate every type of poker hand repeatedly. We calculate in minutes and hours, whereas the computer operates in nanoseconds. The amount of time that you take to request the hand, in the same time the computer would have passed through all the possible combinations more than hundred times.

Why learn about the RNG?

It's not mandatory for us to know how this magic happens, however it is indeed interesting. Every card in the deck would be identified in the computer through a symbol. But for some players it would be interesting to know what RNG is. Also the computer has the instructions to constantly churn and mix the symbols in such a way that the combinations would be random. At a point where you give a detailed command to the computer it flashes all the symbols getting juggled at that moment on the video screen. For a computer these symbols that represent cards might appear like symbols, however on the screen the symbols are displayed as the Jack of Diamonds, Ten of Hearts, Three of clubs and Queen of Spades. It seems as if a part of computer is the universal translator. These symbols are in video poker however are displayed as the pictures of particular cards that are understood by humans.

For instance if you are lucky enough to request for a hand exactly at the precise split-second when the great is being made, you will be a winner automatically or you may be supplied with many alternatives by the computer, it may offer you cards which have multiple choice question, in which the answer can be 1,2,3,4 or none from them. All the slot games run on the RNG and even all the video poker games. The RNG makes these games completely random and thus fair for all the players. Also, with RNG there is nothing players can do in order to cheat at the games.